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Showing posts from March, 2023


 We are accountable to one or more responsibilities. This 2023 March brought us many thoughts how and where we are living. Mostly our positions, stand etc are controlled by someone who scripts the "engineering" Yes either we are slaves for those social engineers, or we won't care the humanity. Israel US relationship? Y USA meddles with other countries?  Above all, media is completely biased which are owned by corporate or authorities  Where we are heading when India is suffering a evacuation and genocide The invasions are key factors to divide the humans on religion is a truly propaganda for imperialists.

Human Machines

 Yes, you read it right. Yes, we are growing, developing. But towards where? Though new technologies and progressive thoughts, still we are humans, with all the desires, and emotions. And we pretend that our brains are superb, but with new inventions and the latest socio cultural shift, we could see, the brains are not functional with heart in it's natural form. A backward evolution is going on in social behavior, and a tech evolution in industrial activities.


 The world is mentally down. Identity threat is already there. Now in the name of freedom, people are free to identify themselves as even cauliflower, dog, apart from lesb, gay, binary etc. Obviously it is not about gender or identity, but to misuse the leisure or pleasure above the social or natural ethics. Morality is simply denied because government wants the society to be divided on various controversies. It is important to recognize that terrorism is a global problem that affects people of all religions and nationalities. There are extremist groups and individuals from a variety of backgrounds who use violence to achieve their goals, and it is important to address these groups and individuals in a fair and objective manner. It is also important to look beyond religion and nationality and address the root causes of terrorism, such as poverty, political instability, and social inequality. By addressing these underlying issues, we can work towards a more peaceful and just world for a