When they say, no politics : think twice.
And definitely they did a politics. Yes, I mean it. In India, the hindutwa politics is a strategical social engineering of continuous evils.
They post and spread hatreds, not directly, but as rituals, cartoons, sometimes 'development', many times with fake information.
But when others talk on social security, justice, humanity these people suddenly attacks. We may think they are allergic to politics. Actually they do the divisive politics.
Hindutva exploit hindu religion to promote religious discrimination, exclusion, and hostility toward minority communities, such as Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and others. Now Manipur is a recent example of hinduwta politics, we can see the polarization startegy with govt, media and hindutwa fanatics posts.
The minds are injected with rss
ideology of brahmanism. And because of this ideology, heinous act of
rapes by hindu mobs in India is occurred when ever a clash between
communities happen. 2002, Gujarat witnessed, now in 2023 Manipur also
witnessed. Kashmir, and Eastern states are always sidelined with fake
stories and news by hindutwa agencies.