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Infiltrators and expatriates

 When a prime minister ignites riots, delivers continuous hate speeches against Muslims, and claims that only Hindus can live while labeling Muslims as infiltrators, the situation becomes dire. This relentless propaganda against Muslims creates a hostile environment. Yet, many Hindus work and earn more than they deserve in Muslim countries without any hesitation. Despite this, Muslims, following the path of Islam where justice is denied to no one, even to their enemies, remain silent. The harsh reality is that not a single voice is raised against the hate mongers and the prime minister to stop spreading their venom.

If we look around, we can witness all of this firsthand. So where are humanity, justice, and truth? Everything could be resolved if people had the courage to speak up for justice. Astonishingly, those working in Muslim countries are even posting hateful and venomous content against Islam and the prophets, yet they remain free to work. On what basis does the RSS-aligned prime minister spew this verbal diarrhea of poison?

They have created a narrative where Muslims are seen as infiltrators and barbarians. Why don’t these narratives get debunked when these individuals are living and mingling with Muslims? History, books, and articles are all available to learn and understand the truth. Despite this, the pervasive Islamophobia, while benefiting from Muslim resources, is incredibly awkward. Even to destroy Muslim worship sites, resources were collected from Muslim countries. 

Modi’s campaign for a third term was marked by a relentless focus on divisive rhetoric and anti-Muslim sentiment. The BJP’s strategy hinged on portraying Muslims as “infiltrators” and “jihadis” and accusing the Congress and its leader Rahul Gandhi of pandering to Muslim interests at the expense of Hindus. This narrative was amplified through social media and public speeches, creating an atmosphere of fear and hostility.

Despite this aggressive communal strategy, the electorate’s response was mixed, with economic issues such as unemployment and inflation taking precedence for many voters.

The 2024 elections were marred by serious irregularities and a systemic failure of the Election Commission. Reports of Muslim names being removed from electoral rolls and instances of Muslims being prevented from voting highlighted the discrimination and disenfranchisement.

The Election Commission and judiciary failed to hold BJP leaders accountable for their hate speech, reflecting a broader capitulation of institutions meant to uphold justice and democratic principles. This failure to act against incitement and discrimination underscores the persistent threats to India's secular democracy.

Modi and his followers might not reflect on this, but those Hindus should look into themselves and question their consciences. There is too much hatred and too much greed. If they showed a minimum amount of justice to themselves, the world would be much better for all communities. It’s baffling why the much-hyped culture doesn't make them think to at least debunk the disinformation.

(Credits to various YouTube,, deshbhakth, news laundry)


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