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The Independence

 IB or Ibrahim Tarore!

A new resistance to the crusaders enslavement. We are witnessing atrocities by the powerful nations. Still the humanity trying to survive.

The U.S. and Europe supply arms to Israel, enabling the killing of innocents, disregarding humanity, and instead seeking to dominate other nations through threats, blackmail, and overpowering tactics.

The struggle for economic independence and political sovereignty in Africa is a powerful example of how nations have resisted external control, often at great cost. Leaders like Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya epitomized the fight against neocolonialism and imperialism, advocating for self-reliance and regional unity. Both leaders sought to liberate their nations from the economic stranglehold of Western powers and institutions like the IMF and World Bank, which they viewed as tools of modern-day imperialism.

Thomas Sankara, often referred to as the "African Che Guevara," led a revolution in Burkina Faso that prioritized land reforms, women's rights, and the rejection of foreign aid. Sankara's policies aimed to make Burkina Faso economically self-sufficient and independent from the exploitative practices of Western nations. His vision for a free and self-reliant Africa made him a target of foreign powers, ultimately leading to his assassination in 1987, a tragedy widely believed to have been orchestrated with external complicity.

Muammar Gaddafi, though controversial, also sought to create an Africa free from Western dominance. His push for the African Union, a gold-backed currency to replace the dollar, and a unified African defense force threatened the economic interests of Western powers, particularly the United States and Europe. Gaddafi's vision of a united and self-sustaining Africa was met with resistance, culminating in his overthrow and assassination during the NATO-backed intervention in Libya in 2011.

These examples underscore the immense challenges that African leaders face when attempting to break free from the cycle of foreign control. However, they also highlight the enduring spirit of resistance and the possibility of an Africa that stands strong on its own terms. Despite the assassinations of visionary leaders like Sankara and Gaddafi, the ideas they championed continue to inspire movements across the continent.

To protect and advance the civil world, all nations must prioritize economic diversification, regional cooperation, and political sovereignty. By rejecting dependency on foreign loans and military alliances that serve external interests, All countries can build a future that reflects their own values and aspirations. The path forward requires unity, strategic planning, and a commitment to preserving the legacy of leaders who dared to envision a nation free from external domination.


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