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Trigger: a call for action

The rape crime triggered a mass protest across the country. But it must have protested long back...

India, once a beacon of diversity and secularism, now finds itself grappling with a surge in hate crimes, social inequality, and political manipulation that threaten the very fabric of its democracy. Recent events, such as the tragic case of Bilkis Bano and the appalling statements from political leaders, highlight the deepening chasm between the values enshrined in the Indian Constitution and the reality on the ground.

Bilkis Bano, a victim of one of the most horrific gang rapes during the 2002 Gujarat riots, was recently in the spotlight again when her attackers were garlanded by members of the ruling party. This act of blatant insensitivity towards the victim, coupled with the continued support for her rapists, underscores a dangerous trend of normalizing violence against minorities. Even more disturbing are the comments from a BJP MLA, who likened the act of raping Muslim women to protecting cows. Such rhetoric not only dehumanizes but also emboldens those who seek to sow division and hatred.

This is not an isolated incident. India has witnessed a series of brutal crimes in recent years, from the horrific Kathua and Unnao rapes to the rampant lynchings under the guise of cow protection. These atrocities are not just crimes against individuals; they are assaults on the collective conscience of the nation. The rise of such crimes coincides with the growing influence of extremist ideologies propagated by organizations like the RSS, whose leaders have, in the past, advocated for violence against minorities.

The BJP, which came to power on the promise of fighting corruption, has itself become a symbol of corruption and moral decay. The saffron-clad figures like Asaram Bapu, who have been exposed as criminals, represent the hypocrisy of a party that claims to uphold Hindu values while sheltering those who exploit them for personal gain. This double standard is further evidenced by the BJP’s systematic attempt to manipulate the legal system, protect criminals, and create a society divided by religion and caste.

Unemployment, economic inequality, and social injustice have become the hallmarks of today’s India. The very party that once protested against corruption now stands accused of the very same sins. Meanwhile, the right-wing Hindutva propaganda machine, fueled by vast digital campaigns, continues to spread fear and hatred among the populace. The celebration of Nathuram Godse, the first terrorist in India, by BJP supporters is a stark reminder of how far the country has strayed from the principles of non-violence and tolerance.

As India witnessed another general election, the atmosphere was charged with communal tension. The build-up to the election had seen a spate of communal riots, with multiple incidents reported in BJP-ruled states. These riots, which resulted in numerous injuries and deaths, appear to be part of a deliberate strategy to polarize voters along religious lines. Alongside this, discriminatory laws targeting the freedom of religion of Muslims and Christians have been enacted, further marginalizing these communities.

The founders of India envisioned a secular nation where all citizens, regardless of their religion, would be treated with dignity and respect. However, the BJP’s Hindutva agenda is steadily eroding this vision, replacing it with a dangerous majoritarianism that threatens the unity of the country. The inflammatory rhetoric of leaders, including the Prime Minister, who referred to Muslims as ‘infiltrators’ during an election rally, is not just irresponsible but poses a grave threat to the democratic structure of the nation.

In conclusion, the rise in hate crimes, social inequality, and political manipulation in India calls for a renewed commitment to civic responsibility. It is imperative that citizens, regardless of their religious or political affiliations, stand up against the forces of division and hatred. The secular fabric of India, woven through centuries of coexistence and mutual respect, must be protected at all costs. The time has come for the people of India to reclaim their democracy, demand accountability from their leaders, and ensure that justice and equality are upheld for all. Only through collective action can the nation move towards a future where every citizen can live with dignity, free from fear and oppression.


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